All Classes and Interfaces

Represents a TRefreshablePanelElement that visually lists Files in a given directory.
ACJsonHandler<T extends>
Handles saving and loading Object data using JsonElements.
Provides information about a resource that has successfully been fetched via IResourceFetchTask.fetchResourceSync().
Caching API for asynchronous fetching and caching of external resources.
Responsible for serializing and deserializing cached resources to and from streams.
Indicates that a method is "caller-sensitive".
A caller-sensitive method varies its behavior according to the Class of its immediate caller.
Used by TEntityRendererElement to render Entitys.
A client-side-only PlayerBadge that is only registered in the client-side environment.
A Stack of RGBA colors.
Defines the methods for blending colors.
Represents an entry in the ColorStack.
This is a utility class that allows you to register custom payload receivers using TCDCommons's network implementation.
An interface used for registering CustomPayloadNetwork receivers.
Provides information about the context under which a given custom payload Packet was received.
Enum representing 2D directions: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT.
A HashMap that stores Objects that represent "property" values, and the keys represent "property" names.
This implementation allows for storing and retrieving properties and their values using generics.
RepositoryHostInfo for
RepositoryInfo for GitHub repositories.
RepositoryUserInfo for users of GitHub.
Provides utilities for performing HTTP requests.
Tired of built-in list types that never have the one thing you need?
Well fear not, for this one has everything that I will ever need!
A RuntimeException that is thrown when attempting to add a child TElement to a TParentElement, but the said TElement does not support being added to said TParentElement.
Represents a GUI element on a TMenuPanel.
Thrown to indicate that a Class or a set of Classes have been tampered with.
Typically applied to Screens that wish to "publicly" provide access to their "parent" Screen.
Represents a CachedResource fetching task used by the CachedResourceManager to fetch the given resource.
Allows Screens and TScreens to listen for statistics updates.
TEvents related to ItemGroups.
An interface representing an Object that provides a Text via ITextProvider.getText().
Represents Objects that provide Tooltips via ITooltipProvider.getTooltip().
I copied this Mixin from Fabric-API, and also slightly modified it.
The reason it was copied it is to avoid dependence on Fabric-API, which of course would cause complications like platform portability issues, having to install the dependencies, and so on...
The MixinEntity mixin injects a custom field into the Entity class to hold custom data.
This Mixin's sole purpose is to put image byte data loading up to LWJGL's digression, rather than having the game enforce PNG.
A "wrapper" utility Class providing information about a given mod.
A "wrapper" utility used by TCDCommons when obtaining information about currently installed mods.
A helper Class that helps TElements implement their own mouse-drag behaviors that require tracking mouse movement.
A DynamicRegistryManager that creates Registrys on demand when calling MutableDynamicRegistryManager.getOptional(RegistryKey) instead of returning Optional.empty().
An interface that provides valuable methods that define what happens when given events take place within the NavigationBar.
Used to tell AutoConfig not to serialize a certain property.
A PlayerBadgeRenderer that uses UITextures for rendering.
Represents a badge that can be assigned to a player.
A PlayerBadge is similar to an advancement in that it signifies an achievement or status.
A handler for managing the PlayerBadges assigned to a player.
A command ArgumentType for PlayerBadge Identifiers.
A network listener for Screens that wish to listen for PlayerBadge S2C packets.
A PlayerBadgeRenderer is a unique component that tells the game how a given PlayerBadge is supposed to be rendered.
Provides information about a repository hosting platform.
A utility Class that parses repository URIs and attempts to fetch information about said repositories.
Represents "user generated content" that is hosted on a repository hosting platform.
Provides information about a given user whose account is registered on a repository hosting platform.
Utility class providing methods to interact with Screen objects.
For when the mod has had enough, draws its weapons, and starts defending its own integrity.
Used to tell AutoConfig to use a specific name to serialize certain properties.
Same as a PlayerBadgeHandler, but it also keeps track of which ServerPlayerEntity it is assigned to.
A simple PlayerBadge implementation that has a constructor accepting two Texts.
A TRegistry that uses HashBiMaps to store data about registered entries.
A TElement that is typically used for purely-visual purposes, and has no functionality in terms of handling user input.
Fabric Mod Loader entry-points for this mod.
TCDCommons's Texts.
TheCSDev's utility methods for making HTTP requests to TheCSDev's API endpoints.
Similar to Fabric loader's Person, but with extra features.
An abstract class representing a clickable widget that extends TElement.
An ApiStatus.Internal class for TCDCommonsClient Mixins.
A utility for creating config GUIs in TPanelElements.
TCDCommons's implementation of DrawContext.
A Runnable-like TEvent handler interface.
An event system implementation inspired by and similar to dev.architectury.event's implementation.

The reason for this implementation is customization and avoiding dependencies.
An event system implementation inspired by and similar to dev.architectury.event's implementation.

The reason for this implementation is customization and avoiding dependencies.
A TFileFilter that filters Files by their extension names.
A Stack of Text scale values for Text rendering.
Represents an entry in the TextScaleStack.
Contains various Text related utilities.
It is not recommended to call Text related functions too frequently.
Sometimes the TFileChooserScreen.showDialog(FileChooserDialogType, String, Consumer) options are too limited, and you need more control over how the TFileChooserScreen will behave.
A file chooser screen that allows the user to choose a File for opening and saving.
A File explorer panel that allows the user to browse their local Files through the Minecraft GUI.
This interface defines the "current state" a TFileExplorerPanel is in at a given moment.
An FunctionalInterface similar to the FileFilter one, but it also offers TFileFilter.getDescription() that returns Text.
A TRegistry that does not allow for registering new entries or unregistering existing entries.
Holds the information about a given user input.
This refers to the current "phase" at which an input is being handled.
Each input phase has its own unique behaviors.
Represents an input keyboard key.
Represents an input's type.
Used to indicate what TInputContext.InputType a given getter method in TInputContext is supposed to be used for.
An interface that provides valuable methods that define what happens when given events take place within the TitleBar.
This class serves as more of an "identifier" to a special type of TButtonWidget used by TitleBars.
Similar to TEvent, except this one stores its listeners in a Map in key-value pairs.
A TRegistry that allows for both registering and unregistering entries.
The TParentElement interface represents a GUI element in the TCDCommons framework.
A custom implementation of Minecraft's Registry system that aims to be simpler and more convenient to use.
Same as TScreen, but with some extra features such as arrow-key navigation.
The TScreenWrapper serves as an adapter for the TScreen class.
A TSelectWidget where the user selects Enum values.
An Enum-based implementation of TSelectWidget.Entry.
A TButtonWidget that features a dropdown item selection menu.
Represents a TSelectWidget dropdown menu entry.
A simple TSelectWidget.Entry implementation featuring getters and setters.
A simple TRegistry that allows registering new entries, but prohibits unregistering existing entries.
A TScreen that shows a stack trace to the user.
A TScreen whose primary purpose is appending GUI widgets to the InGameHud via TClientRegistries.HUD_SCREEN.
A TWidgetHudScreen widget entry.
A UITexture that is loaded from an external source outside of the vanilla game's resource manager.
An Object used to enforce certain "children layout rules" within a TParentElement.
An immutable Object representing a GUI texture that can be drawn on the screen.
Thrown when reading a File's data, and the data cannot be parsed because it's "version" is unsupported.
This annotation indicates that a member is intended to be overridable.
A Collection that stores its elements in form of WeakReferences