All Implemented Interfaces:
TParentElement, ITooltipProvider, IEnableStateProvider
Direct Known Subclasses:
FileListPanel, SidebarPanel

@Experimental public abstract class AbstractFileListPanel<P extends AbstractFileListPanel.FileListPanelProxy> extends TRefreshablePanelElement
Represents a TRefreshablePanelElement that visually lists Files in a given directory.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractFileListPanel

      public AbstractFileListPanel(int x, int y, int width, int height, P proxy)
  • Method Details

    • getProxy

      public final P getProxy()
    • nextVerticalItemW

      protected final int nextVerticalItemW()
      Calculates and returns the "width" that should be applied to the next "vertical list item" element that will be added to this AbstractFileListPanel.
    • nextVerticalItemX

      protected final int nextVerticalItemX()
      Calculates and returns the "X" coordinate that should be applied to the next "vertical list item" element that will be added to this AbstractFileListPanel.
    • nextVerticalItemY

      protected final int nextVerticalItemY()
      Calculates and returns the "Y" coordinate that should be applied to the next "vertical list item" element that will be added to this AbstractFileListPanel.
    • addSectionLabel

      protected TLabelElement addSectionLabel(net.minecraft.text.Text text)
      Creates a new FileListItem that with a given Text, adds it to this AbstractFileListPanel, and then returns it.
    • addFileListItem

      protected FileListItem addFileListItem(@Nullable @Nullable File file)
      Creates a new FileListItem that is associated with a given File, adds it to this AbstractFileListPanel, and then returns it.