Class GenericProperties<K>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Map<K,Object>

public class GenericProperties<K> extends HashMap<K,Object>
A HashMap that stores Objects that represent "property" values, and the keys represent "property" names.
This implementation allows for storing and retrieving properties and their values using generics.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GenericProperties

      public GenericProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getProperty

      @Nullable public final <V> V getProperty(K key) throws ClassCastException
      Uses HashMap.get(Object) to obtain the value of a given property, after which it is casted to <V> and returned.
      key - The property key.
      ClassCastException - If a value is present, but it cannot be cast to type <V>.
      See Also:
    • getProperty

      @Nullable public final <V> V getProperty(K key, V defaultValue) throws ClassCastException
      Uses getProperty(Object) to obtain the value of a given property. If getProperty(Object) returns null, the "default value" will be returned instead.
      key - The property key.
      defaultValue - The value that will be returned if getProperty(Object) returns null.
      ClassCastException - If getProperty(Object) throws it.
    • getPropertyOrDefault

      @Nullable public final <V> V getPropertyOrDefault(K key, V defaultValue)
      Uses getProperty(Object) to obtain the value of a given property. If getProperty(Object) returns null or throws a ClassCastException, setProperty(Object, Object...) will be used to set the property to the "default value", after which the "default value" will be returned.
      key - The property key.
      defaultValue - The value that will be returned if getProperty(Object) returns null.
    • setProperty

      @SafeVarargs @Nullable public final <V> V setProperty(K key, V... value) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Assigns a new value <V> for a given property.
      key - The property key.
      value - The new value for the given property. Must pass a single Object here. Do not pass any arrays, null arrays, or arrays whose length is not 1.
      The previous value of the given property, or null if no value of the given type was assigned.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the "value" array is invalid, null, or its length is not 1.