Package io.github.thecsdev.tcdcommons.api.event

package io.github.thecsdev.tcdcommons.api.event
Provides the classes necessary to create and manage a custom event system. This package includes interfaces and factory classes for creating and handling events and listeners.

This event system is heavily inspired by the Architectury API but has been created to allow greater customization and to avoid dependencies on other APIs.

The main components of this package are:

Together, these components provide a framework for creating and handling events in a variety of contexts.

See Also:
  • Class
    An event system implementation inspired by and similar to dev.architectury.event's implementation.

    The reason for this implementation is customization and avoiding dependencies.
    An event system implementation inspired by and similar to dev.architectury.event's implementation.

    The reason for this implementation is customization and avoiding dependencies.
    Similar to TEvent, except this one stores its listeners in a Map in key-value pairs.