Interface TitleBar.TitleBarProxy

All Known Subinterfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static interface TitleBar.TitleBarProxy
An interface that provides valuable methods that define what happens when given events take place within the TitleBar.
  • Method Details

    • getTitle

      @Nullable @Nullable net.minecraft.text.Text getTitle()
      Returns the Text that should be shown on the TitleBar.
    • getIcon

      @Nullable default @Nullable UITexture getIcon()
      Returns the UITexture that represents the "icon" that will be shown on the TitleBar.
    • canMinimize

      default boolean canMinimize()
    • canRestore

      default boolean canRestore()
    • canClose

      default boolean canClose()
    • onMinimize

      default void onMinimize()
    • onRestore

      default void onRestore()
    • onClose

      default void onClose()