All Classes and Interfaces

A GUI widget that displays stats information from a given SUStat.
A config TScreen for the BetterStats mod.
Fabric Mod Loader entry-points for this mod.
TEvents related to the BetterStatsScreen and other BetterStats GUI-related events.
BetterStats's TWidgetHudScreen.
Represents the server-side network handler for BetterStats.
A BSComponentPanel that usually goes on the BetterStatsScreen.
A component that provides the BetterStatsPanel with the necessary information to operate properly.
The main focal point of this mod.
The screen where player statistics are shown, but better.
BetterStats's implementation of ClientPlayerBadge.
BetterStats registries that are present on the client side only.
A TRefreshablePanelElement representing a BetterStatsScreen GUI component.
BetterStats registries that are present on both the client and the server side.
A widget that displays information about a credited Person in the BSCreditsTab.
A TBlankElement that only renders Texts on the left and right side of the CustomStatElement.
Does not handle any user input or have a background color.
A statistics filter Enum that dictates how statistics entries are to be grouped.
A statistics filter Enum that dictates how SUGeneralStat statistics entries are sorted.
A statistics filter Enum that dictates how SUItemStat statistics entries are sorted.
A statistics filter Enum that dictates how SUMobStat statistics entries are sorted.
An IStatsProvider whose statistics can be edited.
An IOException that takes place when reading a RAMStatsProvider's data form a PacketByteBuf that contains invalid header data.
A component that contains loaded statistics about a given player.
An IStatsProvider for the MinecraftClient.player.
Represents the "menu bar" GUI component that usually shows up on the top of the BetterStatsScreen.
A component that provides the MenuBarPanel with the necessary information to operate properly.
An optional ModMenuApi integration for the config GUI.
A TRefreshablePanelElement featuring a label that shows the "current page", as well as buttons that allow the user to change "pages".
A component used by PageChooserPanel that relays the PageChooserPanel's current state to the PageChooserPanel.
Player badge summary panel.
Shows a few highlight PlayerBadges for a given IStatsProvider.
An IEditableStatsProvider whose statistics are loaded into and held in the memory (aka RAM), hence the name RAMStatsProvider.
A TScrollBarWidget implementation whose visuals use flat/static colors, instead of the default textures.
A TSelectWidget for StatsTabs.
Allows the user to Select a StatsTab via a GUI interface.
A Class that handles announcing players doing things for the first time in the current world.
For example, mining a diamond ore for the first time.
An instance of GenericProperties whose sole purpose is to store information about "statistics filters" applied to a BetterStatsPanel.
A component that provides the StatFiltersPanel with the necessary information to operate properly.
A utility class for reading and writing IStatsProvider data.
A class containing StatsProviderIO logic for file version 2.
A BSComponentPanel that summarizes given Collections of SUItemStats and SUMobStats.
Represents a "statistics tab" Object used in StatsTabPanel for initializing a "statistics tab"'s GUI.
The "initialization context" for when a StatsTab's corresponding "stat filters" GUI is "initializing".
The "initialization context" for when a StatsTab's GUI is "initializing".
Represents the TPanelElement where the statistics GUI is initialized.
A component that provides the StatsTabPanel with the necessary information to operate properly.
Some utility methods for initializing and handling StatsTab GUIs.
A "Stat utils stat".